Monday, April 12, 2010


I should have named this post 3 strikes because there are three parts to this post - but decided "peeps" worked better....

Last week I went to the doctor.  I wanted to check on a couple of little white spots that appeared on my face and discuss the fact that my tremor was getting a bit worse - or at least more people were commenting on it.      Drum roll......the verdict...

The white spots are the result of sun damage  - some folk get dark spots - others get white specks or in my case big white splotches - the doctor didn't use the words - age spots but I got the message.  WARNING:  don't forget the sunscreen no matter how much melanin you have in your skin.

O.K. so on to the other reason I made my way to the doctor's office - the Catherine Hepburn body movements...   the little tremor that reminds me to keep that shutter speed up a bit higher than recommended.  Yep - it's still there - it's not my imagination - and no it's not Parkinson's (thank goodness). "Here is a little pill that should help," he said very calmly - he didn't even blink an eye - I wondered if there was a pill for every thing.....   I filled the prescription but have not decided if I will actually take it - no horrible side effects listed on the information sheet, so I will probably give it a try - we'll see.

Here is strike three - , I jumped on the scale and learned that I had gained a few pounds (to be really honest,  my clothes have been trying their best to give me a little hint ) but now it is more than a little weight, it is a whole bunch of pounds.  It was a throughly depressing morning.  So what did I do to lift that blue cloud weighing me down...

I opened a box of peeps and ate them all...  too good  :D   

This probably more information than you really wanted to know - but stay tuned, in the next posts  it's back to the photo stuff - and boy do I have a lot to share...   

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